Wildlife Clearance 2 Wildlife Clearance 2

Wildlife Clearance

We stand as a frontrunner in skillfully managing

We stand as a frontrunner in skillfully managing the entire spectrum of Wildlife clearance. Our services cover the seamless preparation, submission, and persuasive advocacy for clearance proposals, ensuring a comprehensive approach.

In the realm of industrial and development projects within a 10 km radius of protected areas, securing Wildlife Clearance becomes imperative. This clearance, issued by the National Board for Wildlife (NBWL), stands as a critical permission governed by the Wildlife (Protection) Act of 1972

The NBWL, a statutory body established under the Wildlife (Protection) Act of 1972, holds the authority to grant Wildlife Clearance. Its role in assessing and approving projects near protected areas underscores the delicate balance between development and wildlife preservation.

Under the Wildlife (Protection) Act of 1972, both central and state governments possess the authority to declare areas as wildlife sanctuaries, national parks, or closed areas. Importantly, industrial activities are expressly prohibited within these designated protected areas.

Wildlife Clearance becomes a requisite for projects in various domains, including forest areas, non-forest areas like lakes and tanks, areas designated as tiger reserves, tiger corridors, sanctuaries, national parks, and eco-sensitive zones.

Additionally, the Wildlife (Protection) Act of 1972 mandates that actions involving damaging, destroying, or removing wildlife, diverting the habitat of wild animals, or removing forest produce require a recommendation from the State Board for Wildlife. This further emphasizes the importance of comprehensive evaluation and oversight in wildlife-related activities.


Navigating the legal intricacies of Wildlife Clearance involves a multifaceted understanding of statutory bodies, protected area declarations, and the nuanced scope of clearance requirements. The Wildlife (Protection) Act of 1972 forms the legal backbone, outlining the parameters and procedures essential for achieving a harmonious coexistence between developmental projects and wildlife conservation.

Service Highlights

End-to-End Management

PVS Solution takes charge of the entire Wildlife clearance process, from proposal preparation to submission and advocacy.

Document Management

We meticulously manage responses, compile all necessary supporting documents, adhere to guidelines, and curate compelling presentations.

Strategic Engagement

Our team engages at multiple levels, including Ministry/Secretary/MoEFCC, ensuring that our approach is comprehensive and aligned with regulatory requirements.

Violation Resolution

In case of any violations, we conduct settlement meetings, demonstrating our commitment to compliance and ethical wildlife practices.

Why We Stand Out

Comprehensive Approach

We handle every aspect of Wildlife clearance, providing a one-stop solution for our clients.

Strategic Advocacy

We engage at various levels to ensure a persuasive and effective advocacy process.

Document Precision

Our meticulous approach to document management ensures compliance with guidelines and standards.

Ethical Resolution

In cases of violations, our commitment to ethical practices is demonstrated through transparent settlement meetings.

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